Sunday, October 30, 2011

If I really am focused on becoming happier myself and sharing that around, then there are some things I have to do.  For instance, I'm trying many  of the things that I read that give an idea about making me happier.  However, I want to know if all of them apply to me or not.  Therefore, I need to experiment and document what actually makes me happier.  One of the things I'm a bit skeptical about is whether meditation will be helpful for me.  Today the benefit that I got from it was that it allowed me to separate from my normal thought process and gave me some space to start thinking about different ideas.  I expect that this may be very common and it could be the intention and point of meditation.  Therefore, I'll be trying to track how this works and if it continues to offer new ideas and inspiration for me.  Also, is it proportional to the amount of time I spend meditating?  I'm curious what the ideal amount of time for me to meditate would be.  I'll start with a short amount of time first, and then as I have time, I'll experiment with more time to see what happens.  This first time I only did it for just a few minutes, but it still seemed to be helpful.  This blog post is actually inspired by the meditating I just did.

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